Our Pastor

Bryan Goebert
Senior Pastor
Pastor Bryan joined the staff of Sun Coast Baptist Church in 2002, while finishing his Bible degree at Clearwater Christian College. He served as Youth Pastor until 2005 when the church called him to the role of Senior Pastor.
He met his wife, Amy, at Clearwater, and they were married in 2002. They now have four children who are super active in sports. Baseball, basketball, volleyball… you name it… there’s always practices to get kids to and games to attend to cheer them on!
Pastor Bryan teaches the Bible. He believes the Bible should impact every aspect of the Christian’s life, and he is committed to helping people understand the truth of God’s Word through expository preaching and teaching. His desire is to see God’s work accomplished through God’s power as God uses people who are willing to live to glorify Him. His theme verse for ministry is II Corinthians 12:9-10.